Where your money goes

  • £10 allow us to create awareness online & distribution leaflets.
  • £20 enable us to travel and provide food and much needed essentials to Leukemia sufferers and their family
  • £30 allow us to design and print awareness materials
  • £50 pay for one stem cell onboarding pack allowing us to sign up new potential stem cell donors

But this is only possible with the generosity of people like you. We rely on supporters to fund our vital services – so please start your one-off or monthly gift today and play a vital role in saving lives.


other options to support us financially


To donate by post you just need to print and complete the forms below:

Download Form

Please make cheques payable to Kevin Kararwa Leukaemia Trust. 

Our postal address for donations is:
Kevin Kararwa Leukaemia Trust,
233 Canterbury Road,
Modern, Surrey.
London. SM4 6QB.

fundraise for us